Videos and Messages

Celine (teacher)
Juste Génial

Lenneke (teacher)
Thanks for this enriching experience for us and our students.

Fabrizio (teacher)
Right now we have finished to talk with our students, they are enthusiastic
Thank you

Raffaello (teacher)
A distanza di 30 giorni dalla indimenticabile esperienza AGON condivido con voi il ricordo di un viaggio nell' arte, nella cultura e nelle emozioni. Ringrazio: le proff. Piera De Giorgi e Loredana Lippolis per averci dato l'opportunità di vivere questa esperienza; Valentino e il suo staff (Annamaria in primis) per averla resa indimenticabile; i proff. Elena e Marcello per le loro pillole di saggezza dispensate durante il percorso; voi studenti per la passione, l'impegno e l'entusiasmo con cui avete rappresentato
il nostro Istituto scolastico.

Marcello (teacher)
Educate to beauty is a very interesting subject. You are doing an amazing job with all students. Thanks!!

Jerome (teacher)
Wonderful time
Students are happy, so happy!
Thank you to you and your human team!!

Loredana (teacher)
Agon was an Amazing Experience:
the students and their family are enthusiastic!
Thank you for the wonderful organization!

Elena (teacher)
Agon is a very interesting transversal path. Students they approach through a dynamic method to various discipline to discover their passion and talent. Well done, congrats..

Piera (teacher)
Thank you for this Great week. Thanks for all the big and small things you have prepared for us. Proud to be part of this project. See you soon.

Fatima (teacher)
It was a nice experience for us, we will share it with our school!!